Annoying Whatsapp on Symbian

While casually browsing the ovi store before bed on my Nokia 808 which is running Symbian Belle, I clicked Whatsapp, Viber and Swype. Whatsapp installation started while Viber and Swype were queued. My idea was to install the apps and try these apps later when I have time.
Whatsapp was installed and then it took me around 20 minutes to figure out and get rid of it.
Immediately after installation of Whatsapp, a screen with terms and conditions
pops up, with only agree button. There is no disagree or cancel installation. I have to agree, there is no other option. The call end button normally closes the app in Symbian. I used it expecting it to close, but it closes and reopens itself.
Then I used the menu key to navigate to the whatsapp icon and click-hold it for options to select “Delete”(delete app), a message comes up saying can not delete because the installer is already open. So the installer is struck at the whatsapp terms and conditions screen and there seems to be no option to close it without agreeing to the terms. Even if I close it, whatsapp restarts it. So i can not delete the app from my phone. The queued Viber and Swype installations also failed due to this.
This was really annoying, firstly how can whatsapp force you to agree, secondly how can Nokia allow such an app on it’s store without an option to disagree. Above that, how can Nokia allow the app to hold the installer for accepting it’s so called terms and conditions. Throwing the terms and conditions screen on the first use of the app is perfectly ok that too with options to cancel/disagree. It is not agreeable to force us to accept the terms by running a sticky app.
I was not ready to accept the terms until further research on whatsapp and how it stores my data. This is exactly the reason why I haven’t used whataspp till now, I do not want my data to be uploaded to their servers.
I killed whatapp, installer and store using “app stop” application on my phone, but even this did not help, whatsapp restarts within no time and the screen pops up again.
Finally, I restarted the phone and without any delay after restart, navigated to whatsapp and deleted it(click-hold icon and select delete). This worked.
This is how the whatsapp puts the users in a fix. Sad to see this on an app claimed to be one of the most used.
Update : After deleting whatsapp, I installed Viber. Though Viber does not hold the installer like whatsapp, it is equally sticky. Viber throws the terms and conditions screen on first use, without cancel/disagree. This can be closed by using the call end key. But the app constantly creates a data connection, either wifi or 2g/3g. I realized this because my data connection is usually closed(not disabled), but since opening Viber for first time, my phone is creating a constant data connection. Note that I did not register to Viber and closed it from the terms screen. Ending the data connection manually only reopens it again. The data connection is created even after restatting the phone. I was able to delete the app without any issues and that ended creating a data connection.
